pp108 : Defining a KPI

Defining a KPI

This topic describes definition of KPI and its usage in Process Platform BAM.

Process Platform BAM provides you the facility to monitor and capture critical information pertaining to Business Process or Activity with the help of KPIs. The KPIs are created with the sole objective of monitoring and capturing process or activity related information and in triggering business actions and outbound events as specified. KPIs work on aggregated process instances.

KPIs can be created using multiple types of data sources. One is using external data and the other is using Business process data. When the KPI has to be created using external data, a Business measure has to be created and can be used to build KPI. The KPI can be associated with different business measures that will enable monitoring and capturing information about various aspects of the data sources. It is possible to define specific conditions, which when evaluated to true can result in triggering various business actions

If the source for creating KPI is only Business process data, then you can directly create the KPI on the Business process model.

You can create dashboards using KPI's and configure to view the trend behavior. KPI trend is shown in dashboard based on each schedule run of the KPI and monitored results captured based on it.

Note: Trend Analysis refers to the analytical comparison of monitored KPIs and identifying their patterns over a period of time. Trends can be plotted over a period of time based on the processed values of the expression. The following tasks can be performed using KPI Editor:

  1. Creating a KPI
  2. Creating a KPI directly from a Business Process Model
  3. Publishing a KPI
  4. Editing a KPI
  5. Unpublishing a KPI
  6. Deleting a KPI

Related tasks

Creating a KPI
Publishing a KPI
Editing a KPI
Deleting a KPI